Time to give my good files a better home from their 'temporary' cardboard coffins. Temporary meaning several years. Its not considered good practice to have them nestled & touching, but mostly it was overdue time to free up wasted real estate. The blank table space is just a photo-op, it will be occupied again soon. Made from 3/8" ply, glued & screwed. Attached to wall with those metal drywall anchors. No real design plan, I just made a TLAR template I could print 3x & stick on the wood in series to indicate holes & slots. I should have stopped there but I've had this new paint kicking around reserved for some future shelving projects so decided to test drive it on the rack. I should have picked something with less nooks & cranny's. Probably could make it faster from a piece of angle aluminum but I wasn't sure I'd like it. The brown stuff is more expendable.