I’ve got an LK. Amazing machine, in its day. Still good for a guy like me who would get a Moore for jig boring if I didn’t already have the LK. The jig boring head is fun to use, but delicate and easily worn. This one has the second generation frequency controller for the high speed grinding heads. About the heads- they have a reputation for needing frequent specialty level attention to their bearings. I’ve never done grinding on mine, but do have the equipment for it. I’d probably retrofit an air driven head if I really needed to do any grinding. Or more likely just pay someone who knew what they were doing to do the job for me.
And yes, in my opinion, this machine is toast as a jig borer from the way it’s strapped, mostly due to table at far end of travel. Silly work. Somewhere here I have some literature about the LKB/S series of machines, but I don’t recall reading shipping precautions.
I know of at least five LK’s that have been sold on secondary market in Canada in last twenty years. There may be more. Too bad ‘Snetram’, the Toronto area Deckel guru, ex salesman for Cosa isn’t around anymore.
Edited for spelling.