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Costco pumpkin pie

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Was in Costco yesterday minding my own business, when two ladies went by me with a cart loaded with at least 15 of those huge pumpkin pies that Costco has. Damnation that was it, wandered over to the baking area and low and behold there was a large stack of pies. $6.99 for these 11 inch dia. babies.
Yes i did bring one home, only one mind you. :D :D
The best pumpkin pie in the world is sold at M&M Meats. Not too spicy and won't give you heartburn. Tastes like a slice of heaven. Highly recommended.

Add Kawartha vanilla ice-cream or real whipped cream for those who like that.
Never tried their pie, but DO NOT buy their Poutine Fries. Even the barn cats didn't want it.

I am not a fan of M&M Meats. Just the pie. I know it's actually a Chudleigh Pie. Worth every penny. We buy them by the flat. The Apple Crumble pie is also amazing.
What, you can buy pies ? What do you need a wife for then ?
When SWMBO was working, i got the idea to make a pie. Got out a bunch of her cook books, made a pie crust from scratch, used canned pie filling, it was glorious. frickken flour and a mess everywhere. When SWMBO got home i made the mistake of saying, i don't know what all the fuss is, wasn't that hard. o_O
Thanksgiving tradition here is one Pumpkin and one Groundcherry. Kids are making the trip home. Nothing like home made, well except the Pear pies from the bakery near our cottage in QC are to die for.