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Cheap and easy light for the mill

Gosh how things change with cheap stuff from China. I had to make my own. Friction fit on the quill. In hindsight should have been much larger diameter. Notice the shadow which makes lighting the spot where something in the 1/4" drill chuck or R8 collet sits impossible.

As a result I don't use it nearly as much as I thought I would.
Gosh how things change with cheap stuff from China. I had to make my own. Friction fit on the quill. In hindsight should have been much larger diameter. Notice the shadow which makes lighting the spot where something in the 1/4" drill chuck or R8 collet sits impossible.
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As a result I don't use it nearly as much as I thought I would.
That’s why I “retired” my ring light. I’ve posted photos of what I currently use (I just need to find them).

EDIT: my current light (started using 2 years ago) is similar to @Susquatch ‘s

Permanently mounted to the mill column. I also have a magnetic “Sewing Machine Light” seen on the right of the column.
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You guys are making me glad I never made or bought a ring light. I use an adjustable magnet base light mounted on the mill bed. Not perfect but has met my needs to date.

My original light that came with the mill had rusted out internally and no longer worked. Ultimately I made some metal parts and installed an LED household lamp. It's been great ever since.
