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Brass $5 pound

great price, but does he know the alloy? Otherwise, its mystery metal. Only half hard 360 is the brass we know and love, there are some other brasses that are miserable. If it is 360, fill the back of the truck up :)
Gatineau, QC

I saw this and am interested enough to take the drive to pick up some lengths. If anyone between Ottawa and Toronto wants to take a risk on some I may be able to facilitate a pick up for you. I may have to cut some pieces though
Is there a way to tell 360 from the rest? I'm like just across the river (ON-QC border)
got any nitric acid hanging around? Just kidding, I dont advise anyone without lab experience to test via copper nitrate colour density...

Buy a pound for five bucks, take a sample of several pieces, take them home chuck up on lathe and turn it. If it is free machining then you can be confident it is 360. Cheap easy test.
Yeah guess I'll have to buy a chunk. :)

No, the only acid available to me is sulfuric acid from auto batteries lol

I do wonder if any of that dark stuff is Bronze or just weathered though
Is there a way to tell 360 from the rest? I'm like just across the river (ON-QC border)

Not that I know of, but I would ask the seller. I bet 99% of the time when people say brass they are referring to 360, and if the seller seems knowledgeable its probably good. He might given he distinguishes between brass and brass alloys, which I take take to mean 360 brass and other brass alloys (they are all copper alloys). If he seems to have a clue and insists it is brass its probably good to go.

TB I'd take a chance on a bunch if you willing to go there and of course would toss in some gas money. Any idea what diameters are available? I would take a foot or two of some really large diameters if he had them and lengths, say one of each for smaller diameters. Or thereabouts.
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The 2 big bars on the right that have swirls look like bearing bronze to me!
I used to sail and make a few boat repairs, I saw those and thought the same but didn't wish to say on the forum for selfish reasons. ;)

mcgyver I have yet to hear back from the fellow, but when I do I'll let you know. I have many projects I've promised people I've been waiting on brass to complete so I'll likely take the risk if I can get my brother to ride along in case I need a break from driving
Well now, I'm in need of brass but I'm here in BC. I would appreciate a foot or two of 1-1/2" and 2" if its 360. Even adding $60 for postage its a deal.

Any chance you could pick up a bit extra for me?
Ok here’s what I propose, we all want some brass here out west. We offer to the person say wanting a holiday out west to bring some brass with them on their trip. I would be willing to pay the $5 a foot for the brass for sure, plus a nights stay-in our spare room, bbq supper with beverages, convo and part of the gas money to get here. 5 or 6 guys with the same deal to BC and an Ontario native basically gets a free summer holiday.
Or make a batch purchase and freight ship a few hundred pounds this direction. It's still a deal if theres enough interest! But I like the holiday idea!