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B&S Challenger Surface Grinder needed a repair


Active Member
We have the above unit 6X12 size. Likely many decades old. Anyway recently I replaced the oiler that had stopped working. Naturally as soon as I did that, all the ways are being lubed again! New complaint! The head drops after the operator stops lowering it down. Oil makes things slide! Ruins the work of course. The leadscrew and nut are worn out in the middle of travel. We are not going to wait for a hard to find 7 1/2 tpi screw so boss ordered a 8 tpi and new bronze nut. He hands it to me and says “make it work”
I had a used screw from a previous junked machine, which gave me the upper bearing portion and I made it fit into the new leadscrew with a press fit and a pin. Heated the top of the screw to expand the hole and get a tight fit when cold. Screw is soft as purchased.
I cut the bronze nut to fit and installed the parts today. The hand wheel has 50 graduations which now I have to replace with one that has 40. The users are happy again!
Roton supplied the parts. Under $100 CDN.

Here is the bronze nut. This one is the original and I made a copy of it. The flat is there to clear a boss inside the casting. Once rotated into the correct position, the bronze nut is held by a steel nut from the top.