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Search results

  1. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I think I've decided what I'm going to do about the bearings. I'm going to go with a similar modification to the spindle to the one by Wolfgang in the link I posted earlier (see below). Since I knew that the bearings were previously replaced, I wanted to disassemble the spindle so I could take...
  2. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I've heard the MEM conversion mentioned in a couple places, but haven't had tracked the issues down for myself. The "guide" that I'd be following if I go down that route was posed by a gentleman named Wolfgang Huperz to the myford lathes group. It's an interesting read, even if you don't have...
  3. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I'm sure that's how it is supposed to be. What I did was some shallow dimples with a center drill that I later had to enlarge with a dremel to keep the gib from sliding out when the crossslide moved. My main issue was that I didn't have an end mill small enough to make proper angled flats. I...
  4. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    Finished up the gib today. I think I'm going to have to mess with the dimples in the gib. As is, I have it properly tight and moving freely for the most part, but if I move it around enough it will bind and I think that is because the gib is moving relative to the gib screws which wedge it...
  5. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I don't have any pictures to share at the moment, but I have largely finished the new cross slide gib. I still need to mill the dimples for the gib screws to register into and mill the 60° relief into the long edge of the gib. I also picked up some 2BA screws which I proceeded to modify into...
  6. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I'm not sure if I'll make a dedicated post about it or not, but here are a handful of photos that I've taken of it so far. If I do make a post I'll link it in this thread for you. Good point on chewing up the gib. I was thinking about preventing the slot from getting bent or chewed up...
  7. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    Haven't made any dramatic progress since I last posted, but I have made 7 new 3/16" BSF gib screws. Of course the first step of this was grinding a 55° threading tool. I got my process down to where I could single point one from start to finish in ~20 minutes, which I think is pretty decent. I...
  8. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I actually found a thread where somebody did exactly this after a quick google.
  9. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    So update regarding the spindle/the need for oilers. Last night I pulled the spindle out to see what I would find and I was ... surprised Both of the white metal plain bearings have been replaced. The rear one was replaced with some kind of sealed bearing and the front one with a bronze (I...
  10. SightlessSeer

    Myford ML7 Resurrection - A New Summer Project

    I'm debating making the oil cups myself. It sounds like a fun project, but what gives me pause is that I'm not sure if can manage a sight glass for them that won't leak. I'll check out AliExpress though. If they're cheap enough I might just go for that