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Search results

  1. MecGen

    Rpm Sensor (missing)

    Hello people. I just purchased my first mill, PM-45M. It's going to take some work to put it in shape. This mill will have a complete service this winter but I thought I would look for some parts right away. The machine has a VFS and a RPM display, but the RPM sensor is gone - suspected...
  2. MecGen

    I don't like Mondays, but I really really hate post long weekend Tuesdays.

    I hear you 100%. The service industry has gone and will never come back.
  3. MecGen

    Reproducing feed arm

    Ok I get this, more complicated then it looks, but I understand better the process. I guess I will look into repairing this part better. Thank you Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk
  4. MecGen

    Reproducing feed arm

    Getting one cast is an option that I informed about, people related to the foundries seemed to think I needed to find someone in a private shop (at home or whatnot) because full scale foundries won't look at a small project like mine. I was thinking of getting it casted from Iron but I can't see...
  5. MecGen

    Reproducing feed arm

    This would definitely be an option, .75 or even .5 would work as I would be making a spring pin anyway (depending on stabilityof the arm on shaft). Rounding the edge by 45° is perfect, I was willing to smooth out stuff by hand. My hopes were to give the good arm to a guy/shop that has a hand...
  6. MecGen

    Reproducing feed arm

    This is what I am leaning to, I have a Tig but I just bought it so I would need some help on a brass silicone weld. I will take another picture when I get to the shop later, this arm has more than one joint with makes it sloppy as hell. Thanks for the input Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk
  7. MecGen

    Reproducing feed arm

    Hello friends I would like to ask your opinion and get suggestions on how to tackle this. I have a "New All" gear box that is in great shape, mounted on my South Bend lathe. Before I purchased this machine, one feed arm was replaced with a a make shift type arm that simply is annoying to work...
  8. MecGen

    Millennium Specialty Alloys

    Just for clarification - I meant my local source is very expensive - I have a feeling plastics are getting up there, everywhere, justified or not. Regards Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk
  9. MecGen

    Millennium Specialty Alloys

    That company came through my FB feed, never have too many suppliers. I am lucky enough to have a plastic supply company in my back yard, but wow are they ever expensive. Cheers Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk
  10. MecGen

    Hello from Montreal area

    It's my understanding it 1 1/2 8 TPI I am going to check it out Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk