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Recent content by George

  1. George


    I found this on a local sell site, not knowing about these Machines apart from what they can do, is this worth it? https://www.varagesale.com/south-eastern-manitoba-buy-and-sell/i/f4f9hy4z-prema-shaper?utm_campaign=retention-vs-item&utm_content=item_authed
  2. George

    Rotary Table Questions

    Nigel at go create hobby machine shop on YouTube does a video about making gears and makes a dividing plate
  3. George

    New rotary table

    They are 150mm and I haven’t mounted them yet, I still need to strip and clean them.
  4. George


    100% British here, but i do like Canadian’s
  5. George

    New rotary table

    Got mine from eBay 2 weeks ago $356 + $5 shipping, payed $42 import taxes from India, So $403 in total, took a few photos of it said i wasn’t happy with the finishing, just a few paint chips, very small, a minute ding on the bed and a little casting blemish on the base. Seller got back to me...
  6. George

    Bridgeport shaped rusty object

    Damm it, sometimes I wish I didn’t live in the Buck F@#k of nowhere lol, what i would give to have one of these.
  7. George

    LiFePo4 12v

    I use this that i got off eBay for about $22 free shipping, i use it to charge my car batteries also i make battery packs from old laptop lithium ion batteries, its a great little charger that also does different charge and discharge rates and monitors the battery cells, it’s basically a smart...
  8. George

    Mill scale removal ?

    Not at The electrolysis process breaks down the rust and any other impurities on or around it also break free and just float on the top of the water, i have attached an image of 2 old MT3 dead centres and a unknown sized reamer, note the non magnetic crap floating in the plastic tub, this is...
  9. George

    Mill scale removal ?

    Me, i use an old blackberry charger, lump of old steel at one end with a piece of steel wire, and the item i need derusting at the other end also wire attached, or if it’s a few items i place them in an old deep fat fryer basket and attach the Negative of the chargers cut cable, then the...
  10. George

    Anyone Use a Floating Tailstock Die Holder?

    Here is a good video made by Ades Workshop, he used to be a machinist back in his apprentice days, now has a little shed where he does hobby stuff. I am in the process of making one of these.
  11. George

    Adding colour to designs?

    I am currently trying to learn Fusion 360, you can get it for Free, just make sure you select Hobby Machinist, it’s all web based so you don’t hold your work on your computer, I am also playing with Freecad and this is a computer based program, not being too tech savvy it’s a big learning curve...
  12. George

    Fowler inside mic for sale

    How do they work? I’ve only ever seen those bore gauges, but I am interested if i can use it lol all i have is cheap Chinese Vernier calipers to measure inside dimensions. NVM i googled it,, not what i was thinking.
  13. George

    How much would you pay for a Myford?

    Sometimes I wish I had got into the hobby before I shipped all my furniture and stuff over. https://www.myford.co.uk/# I could have loaded half a dozen into a container, maybe you could have 1 of them shipped and get it brand new for less than 15k.
  14. George

    Shop Floor Brushes?

    What kind of brush would you recommend to sweep the shop floor? Please don’t say a Magnetic one, i spend more time cleaning the brush head of chips than it takes me to sweep it, any advice is appreciated. I am using a cheap dollerama nylon type.
  15. George

    Capacitors ?

    All Good, took the motor off, nothing welded, seized, burnt, I guess it must have gotten too hot, so i added more ventilation near the motor. Its good to be back in action :) Thanx for the advise and tips.