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Unusual Drill Press

YES. I'm not sure if the head rotates but it sure looks like 2 spindles. Expensive way to change drill bits.
Looks like Duax was once into bindery operations. When I worked in my uncle's old fashioned print shop in Lethbridge in the 1970s they had lots of strange bindery equipment like that. So that's my bet :)

Sure is cool to ponder questions like this though....
I think it is a turret drill with four morse taper spindles used for multiple operation drilling sequences. Some have the different spindles running different RPMs so they offer very quick workpiece completion rates.
Funny, I guess I was looking at the chucks only and never saw the other two spindles. It would be interesting to know if the spindles worked together or were swung into place.

I couldn't stand the mystery so I PM'd the guy. I'll report back the answer....
This is all the guy said....I PM'd him again for more clarity but he probably doesn't want to waste his time on me unless I'm a buyer.

It is just a drill press.. probably 50 - 60 years old and as good as
the day it came from the factory,,
Two speed; with a couple of attachments so a whip can be used as well..
The speeds are 400 and 200 RPM.. and the whips go 8000 and 4000.
Voltage is either 220 V or 48 V DC..
a very intriguing machine.. I have had it for 25 years.. and it is
the best drill press i have ever seen.. that said.. I have two milling
machines and two lathes.. I do not need a drill press
"Two speed; with a couple of attachments so a whip can be used as well.."

What is this "whip"?
I would say the whip he’s referring to is the same type of thing the Dremel uses its like a speedometer cable attached to a drill chuck / collet.
Another update from seller:

Two spindles.. Two slots for whips.. Two spindles means two speeds.... Pull a lever, and the head rotates ninety degrees
Would Somebody go buy this so we can all see it in person?! It’s a nice drive and a good thing to do on a holiday Monday.