Fond memories, that was my first lathe. Perhaps its biggest attraction, for me, is nostalgia as they do have lots of challenges. Flexible bars, the almost unbearable tedium of cranking that little handwheel to the move the carriage along the Z and they are quite under powered. Still, felt like the king of the world with a used one I bought after working all summer (think I was 13 and irrc the pay was 40 or 50 cents an hour, child labour was politically acceptable then ..... and thank god, I wanted a lathe!)
That one is long gone, but currently I have a rarely used Unimat 3 just to keep one in the stable. Its much better with a solid bed and V ways, but the Z axis tedium still haunts it.
Still...... I had tons of fun with the db2000 and for people making models it puts you in the "best equipped" class. For one that clean and with some accessories it seems a very good price.