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Tool makers inspection microscope

A toolmakersmicrosocope has a deeper depth of field with a smaller effectiveaperature (or larger f-stop, if you will). The length of focus is usually between 1 and 3 inches from the lens.
I got a beaten unit few years ago for like $20 or so.

They are not that uber useful especially now with availability of a cell phone with a micro camera and heavy magnification. Or you can get very nice digital unit if you want something that will not move around a lot for you. Or you can get an adapter for your cell phone and suspend it above the work peace you are looking at. Tons of options. At $350 this is way, way too much.

Also magnification on toolmaker scope is not too big, like 10 to 50x. I think mine is like 25x.
I picked up a 30/60x stereo microscope recently. There have been a few of them on kijiji, I suspect from retiring geologists. The depth of field is very short.
I got mine for $40. There‘s been a few in the same price range.

The toolmaker one is listed on kijiji as swap or trade.
What’s the difference between that and a regular scope?

I suppose there is no official definition, but that is not what I'd call a tool makers microscope. I've got a mitutoyo and had two others makes at different times....each had a cross hair graticule and an x/y stage with tenths graduated micrometer dials. Newer fancy ones are digital which are nice, saves a bit of hassle in making measurements. Some also have a light from the bottom letting you see profiles more easily.
I picked up a 30/60x stereo microscope recently. There have been a few of them on kijiji, I suspect from retiring geologists. The depth of field is very short.
I've owned a Chinese version of a stereoscope for work for years and although a Japanese made one is far superior I have really liked mine but when you get that sort of magnification the depth of field is always very shallow.
People are crazy - you can get interesting units such as this one, brand new, for under $200:

Wireless stuff without screen can be had for like $35.

These are good but..... USB has a lag to it. If you are trying to work in real time it takes a while to get use to the lag. What you need is a HDMI version and these get expensive. The good thing is you can DIY.

Some thing like this....


is much better.

These are a few shots from my version ....

@Perry that looks like the 12megapixel camera. What’s your impression of it? Have you compared it to the 5 mp ones?
I’ve been working on a Astro photo project but it keeps slipping down the to do list.
@Perry that looks like the 12megapixel camera. What’s your impression of it? Have you compared it to the 5 mp ones?
I’ve been working on a Astro photo project but it keeps slipping down the to do list.

I'm not 100% sure. It was a while ago that I built it. I do believe it was the 5MP camera module that I used. I would have to go back and check my receipts to confirm it.

I use it all the time. The only thing I would have done different was to enable a wifi server on it so that I could take a photo of work and directly send it to my PC. Presently I take pictures of the screen with my phone if someone wants to see a photo of a problem or issue. You loose a little with a phone photo, but still it is pretty good.

The other thing to note is if you are planning on one of these, try to purchase a screen with a USB port on it. You can use the USB port to power the camera. One cable on mine is the HDMI to the screen, the other is the USB power cord going to the back of the screen. Fairly easy to move it around. I even set it up on my watchmakers lathe sometimes.
@Perry that looks like the 12megapixel camera. What’s your impression of it? Have you compared it to the 5 mp ones?
I’ve been working on a Astro photo project but it keeps slipping down the to do list.

It was the 5MP camera.


Welcomed to order these Raspberry Pi Cameras!

Raspberry Pi Camera Module, adjustable-focus

  • Raspberry Pi Camera, supports all revisions of the Pi
  • 5 megapixel OV5647 sensor in an adjustable-focus module
  • Camera specifications
    • CCD size : 1/4inch
    • Aperture (F) : 2.0
    • Focal Length : 6MM (adjustable)
    • Diagonal : 75.7 degree
    • Sensor best resolution : 1080p
  • Dimension : 32mm × 32mm