True true true. We were all at that level once.
I guess what always amazes me about these videos is that people feel the need to do a YouTube "how to" video long before they understand the "how to" part. It makes me feel like it's really more about the video part. There used to be a video on YouTube about a guy showing how to connect two air compressors together for "double the capacity." In addition to being dangerous the way he did it, he had the male and female quick couplings reversed such that the air all ran out when he tried to connect a spider web of hoses from Harbor Freight. The comments were so bad he eventually took it down, but not before it made history on mainstream media.
Point being—I hope friends or loved ones will take me aside before I poison someone explaining how to make wine on YouTube. If not for the colour, I couldn't tell red from white.
Enough said.