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Southbend for $1000 - maybe the chainfall is included?

Note the lead screw use for a hangar for a chain hoist. Looks in worse condition then the SB in BC.

Still a little restore project for a 13x40 size lathe for $1000 or under. Through in ON there are a lot of choices.
For posterity...

You would have thought the gear change handle would have been a more convenient place to hang the chain hoist.
Well now I know where to hang my trouble light, wrecking bar, etc lol. I saw an ad a while ago that featured a custom made "spindle lift attachment" for use with a hoist to move the lathe around.
Awe, come on, don’t be so harsh on the guy. Who is ever going to use the lead screw that far back? A few nicks and dings at the tail stock end has never hurt threading operations....
That’s an ugly brute.
Even before OSHA you would think they would know better than to mount the on/off switches behind a spinning chuck.
I see nothing wrong with hanging the chainfall there. Maybe for safety purposes he should use a couple of micrometers to clamp it down tight so it doesn't fall off though. It's just common sense.