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South Bend - Good For Parts? $350

They started at $600, it wasn't worth reporting at the time. It doesn't show a lead screw, needs a motor and the bull gear needs to be replaced as well as ????? Who knows what else it needs to make it usable but if it has parts someone needs it would be worth an offer.
Compared to the $500 parts machines listed last week this is worth maybe $100.
I should be picking up the ones from last week hopefully tomorrow. Hopefully with the parts I already have I can put two together to sell and one really good one for me. All I really wanted was an apron, but this works too. Going to trade some parts I have and a little cash to shore up the deal.
It doesn’t appear to be a “standard” 9 inch. The reversing lever and apron are wrong. It might be a 9” junior or some other obsolete model. It does have the V belt pulleys!??
I should be picking up the ones from last week hopefully tomorrow
I was wondering if it was someone from the forum, congrats. Let us know what models they are and condition.

It doesn’t appear to be a “standard” 9 inch.
From what I know the V belts were on the "Precision" model of the 9" machines. Without a hands on it's hard to tell exactly what model it is.
It looks to me like mid thirties or older judging by the halfnut lever. Also, looking at the headstock l wonder if the v-belt pully isn't an add on over the flat belt pully. It looks like some of the small step sticking out of the left end. I had (have) and old Brittannia lathe that was adapted in a similar fashion.
Near as I can tell they were all 10k's. No compounds and only one tailstock, missing it's quill. Hopefully there's at least one good bed....... Looks like I am going to be flush with quick change gear boxes as I think I already have three spares........
I was wondering if it was someone from the forum, congrats. Let us know what models they are and condition.
Just back home, beat and tired, but home. At a quick glance, all appear to be 10k's two rear drive, and two under drive, with one of those being metric.
Are you in need of anything specific? I will know better in a day or so as to how I break some of these down.
I think my project lathe is worse than the ones you purchased so I’m not sure scrapping yours to fix mine is that good of idea. That said the parts I’m after are the rear countershaft assembly particularly the large 2 step pulley. And more importantly a plunger type reversing lever. This one is for a working lathe that is in good condition.
Counter shafts I have, pretty sure that I will have a spare reverse lever as well. Where are you located? Counter shafts are kinda heavy for mailing........
I’m in Calgary so shipping a countershaft assembly might not be viable. A reversing lever shouldn’t be too bad though.
I believe I have a tailstock quill for a 10k if it’s of use to you. It has a wider key way (¼”?) than the 9” does.
I’m in Calgary so shipping a countershaft assembly might not be viable. A reversing lever shouldn’t be too bad though.
I believe I have a tailstock quill for a 10k if it’s of use to you. It has a wider key way (¼”?) than the 9” does.
Fortunately I have a quill, I had two, one for a nine and one ten, the nine went with a bunch of bits and pieces as part of this deal.
I pulled a countershaft apart, and was going to take the pulley off, but wondered if it might be best to leave the shaft in it due to the tapered pin. (that and I don't have a press).
I have a reverser as well, casting is great, gears are serviceable.....