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REX CUT Milling Machine

It looks like version / clone of US made Rusnak mill. Same head shape, same round bar. same handle bar. Ask whatever it is 5000 rpm. Same identical number of screws in the head.

It needs cleanup but if it works it could be a good deal - price seems a bit high for a clone.
If that were near me I’d be all over it!

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It's the size and function that I'm looking for. My problem now is that being on Vancouver Island, I need to mill a part to fix my transporter but I need the transporter fixed to get the mill home. Beam me up Scotty.
Something will show up in my neck of the woods, I thought it might work for someone out that way. It's been up for a while now so it could come down to a fair price.
Unless I am seeing pictures wrong the machine is the size of Rusnok and is about the same size as mini mill. Weight with table is around 60kg. http://www.lathes.co.uk/rusnok/ and https://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/general-archive/rusnok-milling-machine-82410/

However, it could be scaled up version - through they would have to scale everything up - the same screws, the same idea of removable table. The main difference I see it that the quill seems to have 2x as much travel. So maybe the head is scaled up but the rest is the same?

Pictures are very deceiving - this is why one inspects in person.
I second Tom's comment on seeing in person. Unless you have someone who knows the machine being drooled over and trust that person to look at it for you, buying from pictures and even video is a risk.
They do seem to be a well thought of machine when kept within their capabilities.
I think those machines were also Morse taper spindles. I highly doubt the machine was made in BC as the ad claims. BusyBee Tools main address was BC but I don't think they ever actually made anything.
I agree. The nameplate doesn't say 'made in ...' The seller seems to have added that in the description himself. Maybe a typo or maybe didn't know better.
From what I can see its a round column. So yes, with the XY table it will mill. But maintaining spindle position when moving the head up & down the post is a big complaint against this style over the rectangular/dovetail style.