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Project Mill - could be good deal?

Everything looks dry so it will need some attention but for that price or less. Does the tall motor mean 500-600 volts?
For this price it does not look bad and it is a B-port original as well.

Usually beater mills in AB that had parts of them used as an anvil go for under $2000 on auctions so price of 1250 if it runs is a great deal using AB price meter.

Not sure about voltage - usually larger motor == lower voltage but it could be ancient as well - I bet its 240 3ph.
Agreed I haven't seen a mill in Alberta for that kind of money. If it is not worn out that would be a good find. The 600V would be a challenge if you were using a VFD but if you have a rotary phase converter you just need a small transformer to step up the voltage. I picked up a 10kVA for less then 300 so I have 240 and 480V three phase. The motors on older machines tend to be large and overbuild compared to new motors. Size of the motor is no indication of voltage. It doesn't look as bad as my mill looked when I bought it. Ontario seem to have more old machines and better prices then we do.
Because it is the multi step pulley it is easy to convert the motor and run with a VFD or a DC motor
That would be the better route to go as it is a step pulley. DC might be the better route for torque at lower speeds.