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Pneumatic metal brake

Looks like a modified arbour press to me, although it is fitted with what might pass for a small press brake type of die. There is a name “HANN.....” on the side of the casting that’s on the tip of my tongue but I can’t think of it.

Hey Dave,

Looks like a small parts press for making angles, punching holes etc. Could be cool - might make some neat things - looks to be hydraulic pneumatic. - maybe a 100 to 200 bucks - could be in need of some work - hoses etc.
Looks like a modified arbour press to me, although it is fitted with what might pass for a small press brake type of die. There is a name “HANN.....” on the side of the casting that’s on the tip of my tongue but I can’t think of it.

I was thinking more press than brake, as well
Hey Dave,

Looks like a small parts press for making angles, punching holes etc. Could be cool - might make some neat things - looks to be hydraulic pneumatic. - maybe a 100 to 200 bucks - could be in need of some work - hoses etc.
It’s the kijiji curse....waiting on an answer back, no idea if $50 takes it home or they want $5000 for it. Or worse yet you get the reply a week from now it went for scrap yesterday
I’m curious to see if he gets back to me
It’s the kijiji curse....waiting on an answer back, no idea if $50 takes it home or they want $5000 for it. Or worse yet you get the reply a week from now it went for scrap yesterday
I’m curious to see if he gets back to me

That's my Kijiji experience as well. Nothing for a week or more and suddenly it's no longer available.

You godda wonder how much air are you going to need to run that beast.
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Sure does...

The one in question for sale is a B2, same (coincidentally) as the upper of the two small photos on the right hand side of this old advertisement.

If that is a standard 2" dial guage in the picture then that is a big hunk of iron. Who ever buys it is going to need dabbler's help to move it.:)
I used to live in Brantford, but I'm not available for a move there! :p

Really nice press BTW, a steal a 500 bucks. really. Even if the air cylinder is bad.
Often presses were used as brakes, with dies that did bending on multiple axes with one stroke. This one is set up as about a 10" straight brake. If I were back in Brantford I'd arm wrestle you for it! ;)