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Not sure if Deal or no: EMCO Tool Post Grinder $450 in Alberta

I say its "normal price" for a working unit this size and given clear use of it (rust etc). Also depends on accessories given with it - does not seem there is a lot of stuff provided at least on pictures.

Its also an EMCO unit - I am sure it is cheaper then Dumore units of similar size which I would price at normal of say $600 or so.

If you really need it take a look at it and offer say $300.
I say its "normal price" for a working unit this size and given clear use of it (rust etc). Also depends on accessories given with it - does not seem there is a lot of stuff provided at least on pictures.

Its also an EMCO unit - I am sure it is cheaper then Dumore units of similar size which I would price at normal of say $600 or so.

If you really need it take a look at it and offer say $300.

Not interested for myself. Posted here for others to take advantage of if inclined.