Border is open, who's headed for Colorado? Sounds like a sweet machine.
Borders still closed to Canadians with no jab wanting to enter the USA....Border is open, who's headed for Colorado? Sounds like a sweet machine.
So what’s that bar hanging off the front?
I believe Mr Rucker intends to release the entire setup (schematics and parts list) to 'the world' once he is done with the 'prototype' he's building and after he implements it a second time on his other 10EE. Still a non-trivial and likely moderately expensive project. Most of the parts are off-the-shelf controllers/drivers, with the only 'custom' piece being the controller board that will control the two rheostat inputs - and it looks suspiciously like a Raspberry Pi embedded linux board.On Youtube, Keith Rucker has been posting a series recently on replacing the original DC motor drive (tubes!) with modern electronics. It is remarkably complex; way, way over my pay grade. AIUI, he wanted to be able to use the original DC motor as it inherently has high and low speed ranges via gearing built into the end of the motor. Replacing it with a simple 3-phase motor and VFD would not give the same range of turning speeds.
I know a lot of people go ga-ga over the 10EE but the crazy drive system looks like a major negative to me. Keith is relying on an electrical engineer for all the design details for the replacement power supply system. Without this unnamed guy in the background, I don't think Keith would be able to get the contraption working.
A lot of guys, inclusing Monarch themselves , replace the 3hp dc motor and backgear combo with a 10hp motor/vfd. They do not use a backgear with this setup, and apparently they get a speed range of ~30-4000rpm easily, with more than enough power at all speeds. The lathe in the auction is a tube type drive, my 10ee is a motor generator. I converted my MG to single phase. The tube type drive is already single phase.
Stop in at garden of the gods when you’re there, by Manitou SpringsIve always wanted to go to Boulder
Ok I think I figured it out that rod is for the spindle through hole probably if he couldn’t grip it To advance stock in the collet.