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MODERN Lathe For Sale $1,500.00

No kidding at that price someone won a lottery! Looks like a 12x36 or maybe even 14x40 (!)

Watch for it to re-appear at 3x the price.
The add & photo had been removed by the time I tried to have a look.
I am wondering, seeing as it was in Cowtown if it might have been one of the Modern lathes that SAIT replaced 15 yrs ago or so, the old ones were surplused out I heard.
There were a dozen or so of these lathes in the room when I took a night "gunsmithing course" in 04'. These lathes, altho faceplate marked as U.S. manufacture, had the exact same castings (right down to the mold joint finning), bed measurements, gearing, and identical cross-slide/carriage as my "China Doll" lathe at home...right down to the spinners & roll makings on the graduated hand cranks, they had the exact same character stamps.