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Modern 857 11 Milling Machine - Borden, ON

Bidding went ballistic on this one, I was out when it passed 2700, but almost went to $4k to pacify my desire for it. Almost $25k tax in for a new one, it was hard to hold back. Anyone here score this? It was super clean, and the base was offering to store it over the winter!
Bidding went ballistic on this one, I was out when it passed 2700, but almost went to $4k to pacify my desire for it. Almost $25k tax in for a new one, it was hard to hold back. Anyone here score this? It was super clean, and the base was offering to store it over the winter!
Ah Patrick, that is a very nice Mill and with the free storage I'd have been so tempted.

I expected a dealer from Toronto bought it.
Bidding went ballistic on this one, I was out when it passed 2700, but almost went to $4k to pacify my desire for it. Almost $25k tax in for a new one, it was hard to hold back. Anyone here score this? It was super clean, and the base was offering to store it over the winter!

Be patient Patrick. A really nice full-size knee mill can be had for 3K or less in Ontario. You just need patience and the ability to jump on it fast.
Bidding went ballistic on this one, I was out when it passed 2700, but almost went to $4k to pacify my desire for it. Almost $25k tax in for a new one, it was hard to hold back. Anyone here score this? It was super clean, and the base was offering to store it over the winter!

In less than a minute, the high bid went from $3,250 to $5,800!

GCSurplus mill Sep2024.png
Just two bidders going toe-to-toe! (They've got to be guys, right?) Gotta love online auctions!

In less than a minute, the high bid went from $3,250 to $5,800!

View attachment 51400
Just two bidders going toe-to-toe! (They've got to be guys, right?) Gotta love online auctions!

Ya, I'd have tapped out at $5k, but that was a nice machine. There's a few good auctions coming up this fall, but this one had no rigging fees or auction fees, and was 15 minutes from my house. Ugh. Still a good deal at $6k. Next time.