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Milling machine, handymans dream machine for the garage!! $4000, Sherwood Park, AB



An amazingly clean Hercus universal milling machine, with vertical head attachment, slotting attachment, vice, some face mills and tooling, collet set, 110v power(just plugs into a reg socket), power feed for the table horizontally, dividing head w/ center rest, rotary table, and angle plate, horizontal arbor w/ spacers, and some more I am probably forgetting. Approx 6" of vertical table travel w/ verticle head on, table dimensions are 5.250"x19.5"
Machine is tiny - cute - the size of maybe a mini-mill plus. No quill.

I always wonder why pp list stuff but do not post pictures of them. I see dividing head with tail so maybe at most 300 value - its tiny, and Hercus vise, so maybe 200. Two face mills so max 100 - they look Chinese. Slotting attachment max 300. So overall less than $1000 in tooling.

For $3000 it feels expensive. It is not Chinese made - I think its actually Australian. So I know some pp may feel $3000 is a good price. But for a small horizontal with a tiny head without quill it just feels .... like a lot.
Comparing it to what you can buy new for 4000$, I think it is a lower risk deal than buying some offshore benchtop or small floor mount model. It seems at the top end of value, but I paid a lot more for my little mill with no tooling over 20 years ago.

It is a very solid machine that can do good work. I think 3000$ is the sweet spot for both seller and buyer, if the buyer has very limited space. The seller seems to admit it is good for cramped spaces.

But if you have the space and 4000$ there are better options out there.
Can anyone tell me why it has such a beefy power feed ? That thing looks like it should be on a machine 3x the size

I think it's a cool unit, looks sturdy as hell for its size, i couldn't part with that's kinda money for it myself
Can anyone tell me why it has such a beefy power feed ? That thing looks like it should be on a machine 3x the size

I think it's a cool unit, looks sturdy as hell for its size, i couldn't part with that's kinda money for it myself
Fascinating little machine. It's also a horizontal mill or perhaps more accurately a horizontal mill with a vertical head attachment.
@phaxtris It looks like drive is that they used a universal motor with a speed control altering the field windings current timing rather than a servo motor with a frequency control. An older design, but simpler to maintain. It prolly makes about 1/6 or 1/5 HP, but at 600 RPM or so max. Easier gearing, quiet operation. Better low end torque.