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Lebonde - $1200

Looks purty, he says everything is there but I wonder if the rest of the tailstock is with it.

Ya, I spotted the missing tail stock guts as well. Also, no steady rest, follower rest, etc.

Looks like a heavy best though.
It might be just the picture quality but it looks like a lot of over spray from the paint job, restore might be stretching it but without actually seeing it I could be blowing smoke.
junkFor2000.webpWell, here in AB we have this wonder for sale ... for $2000! Mint condition Atlas. Works on 120V! Comes with a 4 jaw in "great condition" and even has a steady rest. Stand included.
There are a bunch of the smaller lathes ranging 800 to 1400 - the Atlas ones. Guys here though seem to part out the change gears or not include them with the lathe - not very nice- There was an antique on there for $300 - looks better deal than @Tom Kitta 's award winner posted above - loving the steel chain on the bed - must be some kinda masochistic lathe - LOL


Pretty close to me if you want to buy it, my son could pick it up
That came in my Kijiji feed this morning and I LMAO at that add. Not sure why anyone would put a chain across a lathe bed and then take a picture of it and use it for the add. I guess that all goes with the asking price.
The lathe isn't bolted to the table so probably in place to keep it from shifting while moving the whole thing about. Seller may not known that showing it isn't a selling point.
The leBlond has been repainted, and is of the vintage that probably has an L0 spindle (30s and early 40s) War production lathes had more of a straight back to the headstock.

it does have the taper attachment, but the barrel on the tailstock is missing. I think it is a fixer-upper that is about the right price. No gear chart for the QCGB. Not for a beginner.

I turned down an earlier 30s LeBlond for 500$ because of similar issues, and it came with a lot of brazed carbide tooling.