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King 924 Milling Machine GC Auction

Dyslexics of the world,,,,,,,UNTIE!!,,,,,lol
Thanks Robert, I didn't think 924 sounded right but in my own defense I copied from ad.
Looks like a really nice BP VariDrive Clone. Also looks like it comes with an auto feed, DROs and a VFD.
I THINK it means they closed it but if two equal bids were received within 2? Minutes of closing then they extend it for those two bidders (and maybe others) to outbid each other. Not really sure about that though. The whole Hibid process is confusing to me.

No doubt its some flaky thing hibid has done to make more money. Closed should be closed. The hammer is the hammer. And I have no sympathy for those who don't like sniping. If you don't like sniping, then bid high enough that it doesn't matter.

I wish they would try harder to emulate a real live auction. Just my two cents.
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