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Hercus lathe on BC Auction

IIRC Hercus is the aussie SB evolved. Both Hercus and Boxford continued to improve the design after SB development stalled.
They're not showing much for tooling but if cheap enough would leave lots of room to buy new stuff.
I missed being the last bidder by seconds when I was bidding on the Hercus. Went for 1100 if I recall correctly.
I have seen Hercus lathes in an old Thomas Skinner catalogue i have, $3680.00 new in 1986.
So I don't understand why the online auctions don't just allow the bidding to keep going on until the bidders hit their maximum? Why have a time limit, it just sort of makes it a luck of the draw on timing. The quick fingers guy wins the bid not necessarily the highest bid.
Not quite: the bidding extends by a set time if there are bids within the last minute of bidding to give the previous high bidder time to counter.

I think there was a discussion on here somewhere wrt how online auctions with “soft close” / “extended bidding” work. Can’t find it right now…
Not quite: the bidding extends by a set time if there are bids within the last minute of bidding to give the previous high bidder time to counter.

I think there was a discussion on here somewhere wrt how online auctions with “soft close” / “extended bidding” work. Can’t find it right now…
Ahh got it. I knew my ignorance would shine through in that question. Thanks.
Government auctions always have a defined closing time. Only way to have a fair auction. I once was at a sealed bid auction, auction closed at 2:00 PM, bids were time and date stamped when they arrived. A bidder showed up 10 seconds late, the bid was ignored. Bidder wanted the item so bad he sat down in the hall and cried.
Most online auctions i lurk around extend the time by 5 minutes if somebody bids in the last couple of minutes. Stops a guy trying to snipe an item by bidding in the last few seconds.