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Harrison 7 inch lathe, $1,400 Calgary AB

I’d say it has a missing gap and the chucks while usable are too big for it, I also see that the chuck doesn’t touch the backplate?
Is that a 3J cucked up in a 4J?
I’m wondering if he has the backing plate for the 3 jaw I belive theHarrison has a screw on collar that chuck may be undersize or for a Colchester maybe but it looks like the key on the taper is visible!:eek:
Seller has responded and said he does have the lead/feed and threading screws for the machine. He was also incredibly brief in his responses. I may take time today to go look at it and see whats up.
I think that's the best to go have a look then you will have a better idea, if he is brief with his answers he maybe hiding something or possibly lazy or had a lot of questions. One thing I have found is sometimes a low offer will often bring out more information out of a person when put in a way that the offer reflects the information being offered. Good luck to you;)