• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Free 5’x10’ CNC Table Langford BC

gave it a long think this morning but I seriously have no place to even store it.
If I had another garage bay I’d be all over it.
this would be a dream project for me.... but again a stupid body of water separates me from glory. Also the guy is "in talks" so I might be to late anyways.