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For the mill hunters out there

Looks like it was stored in an unheated shop for 20 years. Hardly used, but also hardly maintained. Still it is kind of tempting. Take a bit of work to get it into running condition. I hope the knee isn’t seized to the column. That price though...
Wow. I can't imagine that whatever it was that caused the paint and bondo to peel and flake so badly didn't get into other crevices likely hidden. $7000 would make that about double my limit for that sort of gamble. It might be purely surface deep cosmetic issues but then it might not be...
For the price and inherent quality Bridgeports are going for on Bidspotter in the states and Canada, the price of this mill is obscene. It's probably made in China I would think? Too bad we can't yet venture across the border with trailer in tow for some of those used Bridgeports.
You can tell a lot about a mill by its table. This one is shiny and unmarked. It is probably hardly used and suffered transportation and storage damage to the paint. A mill like that, assuming all the lead screws are in in great condition (easy to check) would go for 5000$-5500$ in Alberta.

This one is at a dealer, hence the markup. Not obscene, just business. If someone would come in with 5K cash, they'd own it.
I'm with Dabbler on this one, appears to be gently used except for the paint blemish's. As for the paint blemishes I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't just a coolant formula used that was caustic to the brand of paint used, all of the blemish's show to be where you would expect coolant splash to land. The top drive is still "new-shinny".