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Deckel G1L engraving machine - $900 Van Island

Quick,,,,,, call the contractors,,,,,,, don't give her time to change her mind!!!!! LOL

Reminds me of how I (we) got the tractor. We were both on shovels when she said "why don't we have a tractor to do this". I was on the phone to dealers and we went shopping the next day.

And now the single guys are wondering if our wives have sisters. lol
Quick,,,,,, call the contractors,,,,,,, don't give her time to change her mind!!!!! LOL

Reminds me of how I (we) got the tractor. We were both on shovels when she said "why don't we have a tractor to do this". I was on the phone to dealers and we went shopping the next day.

And now the single guys are wondering if our wives have sisters. lol
We're actually waiting on a quote to expand the house. :)
I call it contractor trials :D
I need four walls around me to contain me. 2x the space and the 800 years of projects would become 1600 and probably include a deckel pantagraph or two dragged home waiting fixing/reconditioning/repair/painting. Beautiful machines, but for most imo part they are buggy whips. (I bet if any of you have one I'm going to catch it now!)
I need four walls around me to contain me. 2x the space and the 800 years of projects would become 1600 and probably include a deckel pantagraph or two dragged home waiting fixing/reconditioning/repair/painting. Beautiful machines, but for most imo part they are buggy whips. (I bet if any of you have one I'm going to catch it now!)

Not going to argue about them being an “antiquated” machine. They sure are beautifully made as you observe.

I have two specimens: a GK12 and a KF2 each in very good condition. Pivots, spindles and axis movements are buttery smooth. I will still do a complete teardown, clean, inspect and relube / reassembly in due time. Won’t paint them, as I like the “patina” the way they are.