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Colchester Triumph 2500 might be worth a look for Vancouver Island guys

Nice lathe for a bigger shop
...but why can't they throw some oil on them before they put them outside:confused:
Yeah, shame to see a nice machine rusted up like that, would have been easy enough to put a coat of grease or something on it.
"Sold For parts" - wonder if its really broken down somewhere or if just the rust places it into the "parts machine" category.
If its just the rust holding it back - might not be too bad, buy a couple gallons of Evap-O-Rust and a few scrub brushes.
Current bid $3700 Would the parts alone be worth that?

Only if you've got the same machine and need some of the parts that aren't badly rusted or broken ?
That IS a newer, variable speed model. A few months ago now, I got a quote on a "new" Acer (IIRC) VS model. I think it was ~ $37 or $38K USD plus freight plus options (there wasn't much included in the base price). So easily high 50's low $60's CAD. And I think this is more machine.
My concerns- knowing it is the government surplus: machine was outside and rusted up - not typical of the government unless there is some problem with the lathe - crashed, gears stripped out, motor fried - something that would make it not worth keeping inside where it would originally be as for the most part - government workers are too lazy to move something that is not really in the way.

Other thing : buddy moved it out so it rusted up a bit and has his bid on the machine.

It is quite annoying that the government would not offer this up for other government sites to put it back in use. The lathes in Parry Sound are circa 1950/60....this would be a huge upgrade and already purchased
I think $3700 is either a steal or the beginning of an expensive venture.
If it was $2000 I might consider it.
not typical of the government unless there is some problem with the lathe - crashed, gears stripped out, motor frie

I would agree with that. It is pricey at currently $3700 for parts.

I got my Colchester Master in similar condition - rusty because it sat outside; sure enough, it was stuck in two gears at the same time (luckily none were stripped, but it needed other work) - most likely the reason it got put out into the pasture...