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Bridgeport-shaped rusty object (London, ON)


Ultra Member
Bidding is currently at $170 with 36 hours to go. Looks to me like a BIG project and may be totally clapped out.



(Love that the distinguishing factor is that it is "green"! ;) )
Wow, that's a project!
Could be great, could be a trainwreck.
Wow - that baby is old! The round ram - looks like an old turret with a belt driven J head swap out - you would need to be some talk to turn that baby on! LOL
210 so far - there is sadly no clear picture of a table but from what I can see there is no clear signs of some abuse. Remember folks that this is about 200 plus as scrap metal. Also remember that this thing can certainly be a great drill press if its not a great milling machine.

I expect to sell for around $1000.

Certainly this thing after a weekend of cleaning would dance around a mini mill for roughly same price.

If I was in ON and needed a mill I would certainly bid on this.
So that mill has the original M head on it. If anyone finds one of these or is looking to buy one like this, check and see what the collet taper is for the spindle. Some are MT2 and collets can be found, others are Brown and Sharp #7 and you will have a lot of trouble matching that. There is no power down feed on this type of head and this model is not a transitional machine that would let you directly swap out to a J head - you would need to custom machine an adaptor plate. I believe these were only 1/2 to 1 HP max. lowest speed is just under 300 RPM.