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Bridgeport Series II mill near Kitchener

Looks to me like one of those Bridgeports that sold in TO recently for $1500 with a new paint job.

I am pretty sure those were Bridgeport I's werent they?

EDIT: Nope, went back and looked at the pic that I posted to those BP II's - Canadium is right, they were BP II's.

The II is a 3000# beast.

I'm working on a BP Series II NC unit at my neighbours. The knee has an air assist (factory) as the Z axis is ridiculously hard to raise otherwise.


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It is a good looking piece of machinery.
Regardless of what they paid for it, if all is running well and everything works properly, is it worth $4k? There's no mention of tooling and that cost could put it out of reach for a lot of people.