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Bridgeport Milling Machine Toronto $1200

so here goes: the power feed on the X axis is worth easily $1000 for the in-the-know- bridgeport owners. The rest of it looks like it would be a nice project for someone into rebuilding machines. The result would be very nice for $1200 plus perhaps another $1000 in parts/materials.
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That would be me! It's right in my neighborhood, only 15-20min away. So I drove over as soon as they were free today and put down a deposit. It's a small machine shop looking to replace this with something else. Big thanks to Brent for transportation and the forthcoming help getting this into working order as I know very little lol. It's 575v so will need to swap the motor to make this work for my tiny home garage. I'm super excited!
Geeze..... A Bridgeport AND a 11" SM Utilathe….. NICE:D

LOL! It took 9 months and many missed opportunities to finally land a mill. Thanks of course to this board and Brent for texting it over. From my experience I basically had to agree to buy it right out the gate and just hedge the risk. Also credit to the seller for honouring my first message/first deposit rule and letting Brent and I pick up next week. They put tentatively sold in the ad to stop all the inquiries today. I literally told the seller I'd take within 2 hours of it being posted last night otherwise it would be gone today.
Sigh....please insert my typical whine about opportunities in Southern Ontario....;)

Nice. Congratulations! Another point for @Brent H for helping members. Way to go Brent! What are you going to do with all these points? :)
@architect Congratulations on the mill:), I had a similar situation when I got my lathe the guy said there was people from Toronto offering him $500 more for it but he honored me with first shot, I have always done that when I sell stuff too especially if its something in high demand. Look forward to seeing it in its new home.
Sigh....please insert my typical whine about opportunities in Southern Ontario....;)

Nice. Congratulations! Another point for @Brent H for helping members. Way to go Brent! What are you going to do with all these points? :)

Check Bidspotter auctions and do a search for millis coming up for auction in Ontario...there's a lot!! some of the auctions have already ended this month but one auction has 17 mills for sale on it's own
@Susquatch : I am picking the mill up with @architect on Monday. Plan is to drop it off at his place - I will disassemble the top gear/belt housing and do an inventory/inspection as to why it is noisy. A complete bearing replacement is about $150 (US) and possibly cheaper once the bearings are identified with the SKF number. I am also lending @architect the Bible :

You can get this book on Amazon for about $40. Aside from that we are on the hunt for a 220/440 motor or adaptable things.
Note to the above - that is for the bearings in the speed and motor drive system. The quill bearings are about $400 as they are a matched set - possibly cheaper on the web.