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Band Saw - Nanaimo $180

I use mine more then anything else when cutting. I would buy a second one for $200. I would like to mod a second one to run vertical. Or even just have a spare. My chop saw has been used like maybe 3 or 4 times since I got the band saw.

I use mine more then anything else when cutting. I would buy a second one for $200. I would like to mod a second one to run vertical. Or even just have a spare. My chop saw has been used like maybe 3 or 4 times since I got the band saw.
I honestly can't remember if I've used my chop saw since I bought a horizontal bandsaw...I sold my Portaband and kept the chopsaw just in case but I should have did it the other way around.
Lots of info our there for converting to vertical. IIRC @MrWhoopee posted a picture a while back of one he converted.

I made a table (not my idea) that uses the vise to hold it in place, takes about 10 seconds to install.
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Mike love it. I gotta build that. I have the tin table that came with the saw but it’s flimsy and you need to unscrew the one plate and screw on the flimsy table. If I had a second saw I would mod it to be a dedicated vertical. Having said that I’m never walking away from my horizontal. I do have a wen portable which I use a lot. Also have a Dewalt one which gets used all the time at work. I even use it to cut 2x4s rather then getting the skill saw out.