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Accutech 2500 universal milling machine Edmonton $69,900

The problem is that larger manual machines in good used condition are plentiful. You could get a nice Polish made machine in same size class for 5000. You can get a bigger one in Edmonton for less then $3000. Yes these are used but selling price is similar to scrap price - they are not worth much.

Reason they are not worth much is same as why large shapers are not worth a lot - they take a lot of space BUT do not produce a lot of $ + they are rather big for hobby use. Thus commercial guys would rather get a 150k brand new CNC machine then a 70k (!) nice manual machine.

For repair shop work usually a BP is enough. Or if you want to go BIG there are plenty of used options selling for ... scrap x2 price. Also these cheap machines may have not that much wear and tear + are not Chinese made but popular brand names.
That's the price Bell Machinery sells them for...brand new!

Maybe it is new at a dealer? I certainly looks new and searching the address reveals they are a machinery seller.....otoh their web site doesn't list machine tools but does list a few machine tool accoutrements. Maybe they're expanding the line?
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Arkhurst Machinery has been around for many years. Their main focus is on industrial woodworking equipment but they do sell some metal working stuff as well. My first lathe was a CanTek branded CT1440G that was originally sold by them. That machine is brand new and is in their showroom here in Edmonton. I don't know what kind of business would buy a new manual mill that size but there must be a market for them, Modern Tool and Bell machinery sell the same machine. As Tom said us hobby guys would not be the target market for them.

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Just b/c someone has a business does not mean they or people at their business making decisions are sane. I saw on big auctions some businesses buy stuff for more then new. When picking up stuff I asked "why did you buy it at that price?" The answer was "my boss is an idiot and does not know what prices are".

Similar could be with machinery - salesman can say "this machine can do anything a CNC machine can do" + its not "clapped out" like used machines are... and viola it is sold.

This can be the thinking of the dirty flipper that got that Polish machine for 5k and is trying to sell it for 20k... to bad for him people that spend 70k on machines will not touch Kajiji or even eBay. They have their sources - like known machinery dealers. This is how inserts end up costing $15 each.