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12x36 Victor Lathe in Calgary Kijiji $2200

It's 3 phase. That will turn many people off - but you can get a 1 phase motor. Maybe a used motor. Looks tired. Is it in reasonable shape?
Yes, they will do both metric and imperial threads.

x2 regarding just running it on a VFD. They have a 7.5hp main motor.

Older machines were made in Taiwan, newer ones come from the PRC.

This on has the electrical controls below the QCGB ==> Made in Taiwan
Yes, they will do both metric and imperial threads.

x2 regarding just running it on a VFD. They have a 7.5hp main motor.

Older machines were made in Taiwan, newer ones come from the PRC.

This on has the electrical controls below the QCGB ==> Made in Taiwan

I assume the implication is that the older Taiwanese models are superior?
That’s what I read. Adam Booth (abom79 on YouTube) has one in his shop. He seems to like it.
That’s what I read. Adam Booth (abom79 on YouTube) has one in his shop. He seems to like it.
Yes, I saw Abom79's most recent video where he adjusts the headstock bearings on his Victor - he states it was his dads from the late 70's and he's pretty happy with it.
All prices listed are... very good unless machines are destroyed. Lathe is excellent price if even in moderately decent condition. If you can have it for just 2000 its a total steal!. Note make sure its not a junk. If these are not junk then don't worry about 3ph - at this price point you can afford to go 3ph. I even do not buy 1ph machines now & if I use a motor I frequently go 3ph by default.

Same for the BP - excellent deal - make sure its not junk (total) if its just a bit beaten --- its a steal. Get it.

Try to lower price by getting multiple machines. DoAll is excellent price as well. The horizontal is a so-so price but not bad.

Make sure its *not* junk. Really check before you buy. If not junk get full package - such deals come once in every few years.

Once again, don't care about 3ph but make really, really, really sure its not a total junk.