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12x36 Metal Lathe for sale, Near Athabasca, $4500


Not a deal at that price. Brand new updated model is 6000. Or brand new King same size, same cabinet but different colors is 5500.

It feels I already saw this machine already.

Machine is over 10 years old - 2012 April.
yeah, on a good day, 2900-3000 *IF* it has the 3J 4J steady rest, follow rest and, yes it needs it, ALL the change gears. I think with the 4 dial version you only need 3 or 4 gears, I cannot remember. (old age?)

Even with covinflation, not 4500.
I believe just before Covid the lathe was about $3500-3900, when I bought mine last year $5990.00 biggest impact shipping costs from Asia. I suspect we won't see prices go down but hold steady for a number of years until decreases in shipping and increase in material stop balancing.