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$1200 6x12 Surface Grinder In Nanaimo

Oh man that’s tempting.

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I cannot fit another big stationary tool in my shop. Not yet anyway :D
Darn..... I was looking forward to your dissertation on moving that beast:p

That’s actually a real barrier for me.
I have limited headroom in my shop and a gravel driveway.
And there’s no riggers around here so far as I know.

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I know that seller, I bought my shaper off him a number of years ago. He’s actually a machinist and fabricator, I wonder if he’s slimming down the shop equipment. Super nice guy, still have his card on my fridge.

I’d like a small surface grinder like a Sanford. Anything else is just too huge.

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I’d like a small surface grinder like a Sanford. Anything else is just too huge.

I bought my Browne and Sharp 612 in Richmond and loaded it in the back of my pickup truck and hauled it over the rockies. Surely you can get one into your garage!
I bought my Browne and Sharp 612 in Richmond and loaded it in the back of my pickup truck and hauled it over the rockies. Surely you can get one into your garage!

I’m sure I could squeeze one in but I’m fearful of moving such heavy machines.
If I can get it to my garage door I’d be fine.

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I bought my mill at Grizzly Tools in Bellingham back in the day. Drove it up to Canada and dropped it off with a trucking company in Surrey. It was in Calgary the next day for a crazy cheap price. I don't remember all the details, but I could look them up. I believe it was less than $150 to trucking company dock here in Calgary. Might be an option.

This was around 2008 and Grizzly would not ship into Canada.

There is always a way.
Well, I already have one so no need for two - my 8x18" grinder is around 3500 lbs so this smaller one should be more then 2500 lbs. Make sure your truck bed can handle such weight its not few miles of driving but rather a longer distance. I would also pay first then drive to pick it up.
I’m sure I could squeeze one in but I’m fearful of moving such heavy machines.
If I can get it to my garage door I’d be fine.

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You need a stone boat. Preferably before you dump the bridgeport on its side and break parts off it.

In all seriousness tho, we hoomans built stonehenge, the pyramids, machu pichu, etc with nothing but levers, blocking, and ropes/pulleys.
This just came up locally.

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