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1 PH to 3 PH 3.7 KW VFD $68.99 & Free Shipping

Google translate will accept a picture of any language and translate it including Mandarin. it will also suck in audio and do the same. pretty amazing. there is a similar app on apple phones.
Google translate will accept a picture of any language and translate it including Mandarin. it will also suck in audio and do the same. pretty amazing. there is a similar app on apple phones.

Went that route and have a usable manual now. No means of assigning Rev to the MF-K key that I can see.
The quality of the Amazon unit is 10 times better than the DOA unit AliExpress shipped me. Just doesn't appear to support rev from the key pad.
I bought a Hitachi VFD 3 or 4 years ago - it was more money than some of the others but the manual was in well written English and I trust (hope) that most of the inner components are of a higher grade and will hold up better. IIRC, it is 3 hp rated and I've put it on a 2 hp motor. I over speed the motor at times (90 Hz) which spins the 1740 motor up to about 2600 rpm, at other times, I run it @ 6 Hz which gives me ~180 rpm. When run at ~2600 rpm, I've got to be less aggressive on the ramp up / ramp down on the start / stop or it will trip and I have to re set it. I assume that if I had put a 4 or 5 hp unit on it, I could be more aggressive with those settings (not that I need to, it was just fun to play with those settings). Much more versatile than single phase.
I've had the Huanyang 3 KW (4HP) one on my mill (3HP motor) for 5 years and more recently bought a Teco Westinghouse one for my lathe. I think the only real difference is in the quality of the users manual. The Huanyang one is a passable translation but the Teco manual is excellent. The much cheaper Huanyang actually has a nice feature that the Teco does not, the ability to remove the display/control board and relocate it using a longer cable. I did this on my mill, got the cable on ebay for a few dollars. It was recommended by the vendor of the Hyanyang (solar jean on ebay) that I used the 4hp inverter to run a 3hp motor. When I bought the Teco from E-motors Direct they said there was no need for that so I went with a 3hp model. Both have worked flawlessly so far.
that the Teco does not, the ability to remove the display/control board and relocate it using a longer cable. I did this on my mill, got the cable on ebay for a few dollars.

I did the same. I have a 3D STL file for a 'case' to put the display in (has the back port cut out and screw holes for mounting). Works great.