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Search results

  1. keane

    Affordable grinding/sanding implements?

    I'm inbetween you both; small tabletop mill, horizontal bandsaw, grinders, stick welder. Will probably buy a flux-core mig one for more precision before starting a build.
  2. keane

    Affordable grinding/sanding implements?

    I'm thinking of going down the building route; I have some basic fabricating tools and it seems like the cheapest option.
  3. keane

    Affordable grinding/sanding implements?

    Did you use any paid/free plans or just designed your own?
  4. keane

    Affordable grinding/sanding implements?

    Hi all, Hope you're all doing well, I've been into knifemaking pushing on 3 years now and have been using a 5x96 edge sander (works for the job) to profile my blades. It's pretty annoying since the motor spins clockwise and the dust collection is extremely difficult, as well as putting clean...
  5. keane

    Shop Looking to buy a dedicated workshop in the next couple of years in the GTA

    This is probably what i'll end up doing. Thank you for the advice.
  6. keane

    Shop Looking to buy a dedicated workshop in the next couple of years in the GTA

    Thank you for the reply, I completely agree with the conclusions you've made. I think my best bet is to search elsewhere and try to plan a move. Work is a big consideration I'll have to plan around as well.
  7. keane

    Shop Looking to buy a dedicated workshop in the next couple of years in the GTA

    Yeah those are all some great questions I have to ask myself, got the same problem as you brother gotta get some of the family to be down for the move as well. All things to consider, thank you for the reply.
  8. keane

    Shop Looking to buy a dedicated workshop in the next couple of years in the GTA

    Haha yeah, definitely a tempting option. Thanks for the advice.