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TIG filler rod / Consumables / Torch


Ultra Member
Howdy fellas,

Sold my TIG rig and I have these extras. Pick and choose or buy it all?
Will ship on your dime if desired.
Located in Edmonton.

3/32 silicone bronze 20pcs
3/32 er70s-2 30 pcs
3/32 4043 aluminum 150+ pcs
1/8 5356 aluminum 31 pcs
All 36" lengths

Assorted gas lens kits, caps, cups. ceriated and thoriated tungsten. Enough for a lifetime!

9F torch head with trigger, linked to 10ft cable. Nice small flexihead for hard to reach places.

1lb spool 4043 MIG alu wire.


I am willing to partial trade for some powder, H110 or W296 and cash.
Or just cash / EMT

What ever the welding supply sells for minus 50%
Just message me a value and its yours, With in reason.



Ultra Member
What's it worth to you? I am pretty sure a 9 torch and a 20 use compatible consumables. While I want the stuff, I don't really need it, if you know what I mean.

At a half pound here and part pound there, I dunno what the market will bear, though I figure it'd be nice to have the options... Gas lenses are good, cups are good, collets and tungstens are always good...

Shoot me a price, here or as a PM.


Ultra Member
Got here today, looking in good nick!

Have not opened the boxes yet, but willing to bet all is well. That's a solid package of rod! Am happy! If I find your car keys or the like when I bust into the box, I'll let ya know! :)