• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Online meetup? May 9/2020 Saturday 10AM?


Premium Member
We're kicking around the idea of having an online meetup using Zoom or something. Is there anybody who wants to do a demo of something? It would be good if we had a couple of volunteers - we could do something live or broadcast a recording of someone doing some sort of demo.

The proposed date is 10AM Saturday May the 9th/2020.


Anybody know a good platform to run the meeting on - one that does not need accounts would be preferred.

What do people think?


Ultra Member
Zoom works for me. It runs smoother than all the others. We are limited to 40 minutes with a free account. Does anyone have a pro account? I'll do a cnc demo if @Janger will


ersatz engineer
Firstly I discovered several Zoom security issues when installing for a friend, on their computer, including finding thousands of private email addresses of home owners under Telus.com. I informed Zoom of these issues, and they did nothing, not even acknowledged with a case number.

So I did more research, and Bruce Schneier (one of the world's foremost security experts) wrote an article on Zoom's problems. It can be accessed here.

Sorry to be a downer. I use Discord - up to 50 people can share a video chat. and it's free. It doesn't seem to have the security concerns of Zoom, but I left that industry 5 years ago so I'm no expert.


Active Member
We use Zoom a lot and now Google has one. I would love to see a CNC in action. No system is a 100% secure and the bad people are always working on breaking what is secure today. Note to self complete company cyber security course and then buy myself a tool. Carrot stick approach is required during this isolation.


Joshua West
What about more in the moment solutions, like video calling, not webinar, would any of those scale to a few dozen? (I really don't know..)

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
Zoom has known holes so much so that even not so security centric as they should be healthcare people decided not to use it. Not sure whatever it does matter for us. But getting your personal information stolen is not a great start to a day. They say they are "fixing" things but I think that statement is for "newspapers". The problem is not so much off the shelf encryption they are using as actual programming around it - the encryption even when weak was certainly strong enough to prevent "hacking" it - the problem were loopholes in the code allowing people to hijak the session or use holes in the software to make zoom act as a virus on your computer or a back door. It feels software was made by startup that rushed their developers with overnight jobs causing huge number of bugs and holes.

People can do live presentations via youtube.

If anyone wants to watch some of my own content on youtube with my recent projects they are more then welcome to do.

I can tape a short demo of some machine work - not sure what people would want to see - all my machines are manual so no exciting CNC stuff yet.


Premium Member
I just tried a video session with this platform called Discord - it seems pretty good. It's free, fast, supports lots of client types. I did some video, screen sharing, pasted in some pictures... Seems secure and was easy to setup. type in your email and a password and that's all that's needed.


I'd like to try it out with a few people and see. If you're intereted in helping out please PM me and I'll send my discord handle and we can try it.


ersatz engineer
'discord' is a video calling app, that seems to allow you to add up to 50 participants. I'm not sophisticated in it's use, but I understand it is possible.


Premium Member

Here is a link to a live community group for interactive sessions. I'd appreciate it if some people could join discord and try this out so we can see if this will work.

Hey @Jwest7788 does zenforo do live stuff? That would make sense to add. Chats, video, etc.


Premium Member
Today I installed Discord and had a good AV session with @Janger for 20-30 minutes. He showed me his CNC doing a tool change. Pretty cool stuff. I'm running Win 10. Had no luck running Discord with Internet Explorer or Edge and ended up installing Chrome. Discord works well IMHO. I'm looking forward to the May 9th cyber meetup.

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Premium Member
hmm. nobody else seems available to do a demo. If we had the session a week later on May 16 or 17 can someone step up? Alexander suggests having two demos on different days. Me on May 9 and Alex on May 16. What do people think of that. Also another person would be great to have step up. It does not have to be super fancy or anything - just show us something you've learned on whatever equipment you've got. milling, shaping, welding, turning, painting, reaming drilling printing manual cnc whatever we'll all love it.