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Forum Change Log


Premium Member
hmmm that one worked for me Peter. Try again? What behavior are you seeing exactly?


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Try again. Nope, didn't work again. Just does nothing. Using Snagit my usual tool, its up to date. Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste. Also tried right hand click paste, no go.
But it pastes fine in every other app.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I learned something. The 3rd icon on RHS looks like open close square brackets was greyed out. Now its solid & image paste works. When I hover it says 'toggle BB code'. What does that button even do? Never noticed it before.



Premium Member
Anybody else having trouble uploading pictures from their phone? File size too big error.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I rebooted. Same result. If I toggle the BB code button on (solid line looking), I can paste image. If its off (lighter looking) I cannot paste. Maybe I just clicked it off by accident.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Anybody else having trouble uploading pictures from their phone? File size too big error.
Yes, i was getting that on my recent posts, so I had to downsize and save before posting. Never had to do that before, it would automatically downsize.


Premium Member
Yes, i was getting that on my recent posts, so I had to downsize and save before posting. Never had to do that before, it would automatically downsize.

@Jwest7788 I think we can confirm image uploads are not working correctly. File size too big errors. Is the image processor you added to primarily deal with rotating pictures still working? Or some other setting?


Ultra Member
Premium Member
BBCode stands for Bulletin Board Code. Bulletin Boards were the original file sharing forum type systems used on the early Internet before browsers came into being. Today, they are basically programs that run on the forum server to add functionality. You should leave it turned on.

I believe the only good reason to turn it off is when you don't trust the forum and want to eliminate any code from executing on another machine. Obviously that doesn't apply to our forum.

Frankly, I find that forums who offer this feature can be trusted anyway. Those that don't, can't!

Another way to look at it is that cut and paste is an OS feature that is supported by programs running on your computer. Cutting and pasting on the forum is a web feature running on the server not on your computer. So if you want to be able to run functionality like cut and paste on the server, you must let the server do that by enabling the code needed to do it.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I had to resize to 60% (600k) of original size before it would let me upload.


Premium Member
Try again. Nope, didn't work again. Just does nothing. Using Snagit my usual tool, its up to date. Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste. Also tried right hand click paste, no go.
But it pastes fine in every other app.
Now trying copy paste again but this time with a larger picture file now I can't seem to paste successfully. The picture shows up but very light in colour - and when I try to hit post reply it says it's still uploading no matter how long I leave it.