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Remington auction

Not sure if anyone is following it, but i was sent this listing by a friend from the states. It’s the disbursement of the remington factory. Lots and lots of tools. I’m curious to see if they meet reserve and what they go for.

I have always wondered why they don't just say "Minimum Bid" rather than "Reserve Price not met". It's not like people can't figure out the reserve price/minimum bid. The moment it is met, the "Reserve price not met" notice will disappear.

And I agree, Remington was a national institution.
A very tired and out of date lot of machinery. Seems typical of companies that don't modernize and then go under.
The location (Illion, NY) doesn't help with the sale.
I didn't see any production stuff there. That was probably mostly tool room stuff. Remington did have a custom shop in Illion. They prolly moved the production stuff to the new plant in Alabama.
Just keep in mind the buyers premium, shipping, duty, taxes, and most of all 35% exchange rate on the US dollar.
My 45 acres is 5 miles from this plant . The closing will kill the town of Illion and many others close by . They closed up the tours sometime back but what a cool place . Been collecting their items for 15 years now knowing they wouldn't be in NY for long . :( I'm based out of Little Falls / Dolgeville in Herkimer .


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We've been going up to Cooperstown for 25 years for baseball . We decided the entire area was beautiful and decided to buy land . We looked for 5 years and finally bought 45 acres in 2007 . We are in the ADK Park by 2-3 miles or so . Dab knows where we are . The little towns are basicly dead , although they are trying to go artsie fartsie . We're actually actively looking for another place up there now that I'm retired . Once I get there , I don't want to leave .
I think most of the big production machines that werent totaly wore out went to Ruger in the original disbursement. Remington itself was only just an ammo producer for the last years.
Remingtons demise started when it ws acquired by a financial conglomerate that let it be run into the ground for 3 reasons...after bad press from the Model 700 trigger recall and the Sandy Hook school shooting as well as gross mismanagement and quality control after the Marlin buy-out.
It has been suggested that the run-down was purposely engineered by Goerge Sorros, an anal anti gun advocate that controled the institution that bought them years ago. It was a convenient "wtrite-down " for him that fit his political addenda.
It was a convenient "wtrite-down " for him that fit his political addenda.

I've heard similar things. There are two ways to get rid of firearms. Legislate the sale, and close the factories.

But the death blow to Remington that seems most credible to me is the huge legal costs.

You can't run a profitable company and continuously pay ludicrous legal costs that just play to the political agendas of elected judges.

As far as I'm concerned, it was ridiculous to pin that whole mess on Remington.
All factories are moving south . Most of our Md gun manufactures pulled out years ago . NY banned " black guns " years ago hurting Remington . We ask around up in my neck of the woods about ARs and no-one gives a rats ass . Keep them off the road 50 feet and don't empty a 30 round clip the day before deer opens . :D I met up with DNR's Adam Pickett a couple years back for just this reason . :rolleyes:

I've bought a few items from my buddy up there , one being a BDL 700 .338 Win Mag . Talk about a cannon . Shot 10 rds one day up there and couldn't breathe for 2 months . That MFer kicks like a mad mule .
I've bought a few items from my buddy up there , one being a BDL 700 .338 Win Mag . Talk about a cannon . Shot 10 rds one day up there and couldn't breathe for 2 months . That MFer kicks like a mad mule .

Try a 12G 3" Magnum Load in a Cooey Single Shot...... Knocked a military guy on his ass and gave him an idiot mark without a scope!