• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Search results

  1. D

    Fabricated Anvil Stand

    Cleaning up some projects that have been hanging around lately. I bought this material for it back in January, and got tired of moving it around so I decided to just finish it instead today. Pretty simple fabrication to start. I might add to it later, but for now, I just want to get my big...
  2. D

    Yesterday's free marketplace haul

    A local sign/router shop was looking to get rid of a bunch of scrap PVC sheet earlier in the week. Couldn't make it until yesterday when I had to drive the Wife into T.O. and setup for her Yarn show, so I had her empty trailer on the way home. Stopped on my way home to load up the scrap, but...
  3. D

    Micro adjustable torque driver

    Just found out these things existed, and thought I'd share. Pretty versatile mounting options from a 1/4" hex driver, to wrench, and adjustable too. Perhaps they're old news to some, I've seen fixed ones before, just never an adjustable like this...
  4. D

    Mower deck repair

    This is the type of stuff that gets in the way of the fun projects I'd rather be doing..... 60" Mower deck from my mid-late 90's F2400 kubota, not too bad of shape considering the age, but something that needs fixing. It's still surprisingly structurally sound due to all the reinforcing plates...
  5. D

    Aluminum surface finish from needle scaler

    Got finished needle scaling my mower deck for some repairs, and thought I'd play around with a block of aluminum before I put it away. I'd done this a long time ago on a machined case cover protector I made for a motorcycle, but always wanted to play around with it again and experiment more...
  6. D

    First send cut send trial project - welding coupon bend test rig

    I just made my first order through send cut send for a bend test rig I just drew up. For those curious I thought this might be a good "real time" test of this service. I will update every step of the way. Design started about 10am, order placed 11:25. (it's taken longer to write this post...
  7. D

    Horizontal Mill - Be careful folks....

  8. D

    My swan song

    I'm coming to the end of a 20 year career in automotive fixture and tooling design/building, and finishing up a couple jobs before I starting into a new trade as a Millwright on Monday. Kinda of bittersweet knowing these will be the last jobs like this I will most likely ever do. I'm going to...
  9. D

    Blacksmith Guillotine tool WIP

    Finally had some shop time today after a few weeks away. Cleaned up a bunch, Spent an hour cleaning the surface grinder (still no end in sight...) hung some new shelves on the east wall, and some over the man door at the front, and moved the stereo and shop computer over. Also rehung the dart...
  10. D

    Cheap LED Shop lights
