Stumbled on this video. Its quite long but the 2 takeaways for me were (1) quite a bit of fan noise & persistent fan ON condition (2) slow-ish boot up time for a machine that you typically want to walk up, flip the switch & get on with it. Regarding (1) I was kind of clicking fast forward but don't think he ever solved it. Regarding (2) maybe not the end of the world maybe kind of irritating (his demo at 0.44)
Nobody really talks about background noise maybe because the typical mill & lathe & belt grinder apps drown it out. Or maybe the separate cabinet installation like Clough42 & others do baffles it? What was interesting is his other VFD inverter (Invertek Optidrive) was quieter & fan on demand (but more expesive). I'm wondering for a drill press conversion, would something like this be a better choice? Or maybe cabinet housing a VFD is what one is always supposed to do vs wall mount exposed? Is there a parameter name for bootup time one could look up or compare, or it is what it is, or maybe varies by how much programming instructions its digesting?
Nobody really talks about background noise maybe because the typical mill & lathe & belt grinder apps drown it out. Or maybe the separate cabinet installation like Clough42 & others do baffles it? What was interesting is his other VFD inverter (Invertek Optidrive) was quieter & fan on demand (but more expesive). I'm wondering for a drill press conversion, would something like this be a better choice? Or maybe cabinet housing a VFD is what one is always supposed to do vs wall mount exposed? Is there a parameter name for bootup time one could look up or compare, or it is what it is, or maybe varies by how much programming instructions its digesting?