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6-8kIs this an auction? Are prices likely to go up? Can anyone tell me what the market price of this lathe is?
Me too since the book has an NSN on it, no taper either.Am surprised to not see a DRO on it!
Actually, it does have a taper attachment. The retaining bar and lock block are not taper either.
Actually, it does have a taper attachment.
LOL! Yup. Right there in plain sight!I stand corrected, sneaky buggers trying to hide it. lol
Just Taxes, on the Crown Assets Auction. No fees. Gotta factor "Expenses" though, like I said above, getting it off the floor it's on, and on to your own as the buyer,$5k plus taxes and fees.
Actually, it does have a taper attachment. The retaining bar and lock block are not shown.
Edit: where they have the bracket for their tray attached to the TA, is where the retaining bar bolts onto.
View attachment 42656
That lathe (just like my Colchester Master 2500) has true Inch/Metric dials with 127/120 internal transposing gears in both the cRoss-slide and the top slide. Once changes between inch/metric by rotating the dial collar 180*. Takes less than 10 sec. The carriage and the tail stock have very precise Inch only dials on them. It is easy to hold a thou with either (after a bit of practice).
So, would a DRO be very nice? Yes, absolutely (I have it on my list of things to get). Does the lathe require one? No, not really, because of how they were designed from the factory.
Biggest beef with the Masters (and perhaps the Triumph, if it has similar “guts” in the headstock): gear noise. They are known to be quite noisy. There is a “design flaw” (imho) which can be addressed, improved and thus the noise all but goes away (or is at least greatly reduced). I had to do the repair to my machine because the gears were destroying each other because of a bad bushing and poor engagement (the design flaw).
Here is the link to the repair:
Shaft Repair and Gear Bushing Replacment (Colchester Master 2500 Lathe)
This shaft is out of the headstock from my Cholchester Master 2500 lathe. They call it the "second shaft". It is the only one that has a sliding gear assembly with a plain bearing that is not splined to its shaft. This is because it can run faster/slower than the shaft it sits on, depending